Plant Nutrition
Speedfol Amino Calmag Plus SC - Doktor Tarsa Tarım

Speedfol Amino Calmag Plus SC

Speedfol Amino Calmag Plus SC is a suspension formulation containing free amino acids, organic matter, N, Ca, Mg, B and Mo. Speedfol Amino Calmag Plus SC can be used in all periods of plants in case of magnesium and calcium deficiencies and imbalances.

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Speedfol Amino Calmag Plus SC

Speedfol™ Amino Calmag Plus SC is a suspension formulation containing free amino acids, organic matter, N, Ca, Mg, B and Mo.

Speedfol™ Amino Calmag Plus SC can be used in all periods of plants in case of magnesium and calcium deficiencies and imbalances.

Speedfol™ Amino Calmag Plus SC can be applied foliar and soil.

It is preferable to apply Speedfol™ Amino Calmag Plus SC early in the morning or in the evening.

Element %w/w % w/v
Total Nitrogen (N) 9 13.5
Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N) 9 13.5
Calcium (CaO) 14 21
Magnesium (MgO) 2,5 3.75
Micro Element
Boron (B) 0.16 0.24
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.004 0.006
Organic Matter 10 15
Total Free Amino Acid 1.1 1.65
Speedfol Amino Calmag Plus SC - Product Contents

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