Irrigation Systems
Pressure Reducing + Solenoid Controlled Valve - Tayfur Su

Pressure Reducing + Solenoid Controlled Valve

TYPHOON “PR” model pressure reducing control valves are hydraulic control valves that bring the high inlet pressure to the desired low pressure value thanks to the pilot mounted on it.

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Solenoid Controlled Pressure Reducing Control Valve are hydraulic control valves that reduce the inlet pressure value to the desired pressure value. The control of the main valve is carried out thanks to the solenoid coils mounted on it. The electrical signal to the solenoid valves is provided by a control device, time relay, switch, PLC control unit, etc. control equipment. Thus, automation and control are easily provided in application systems.

  • Easy operation and maintenance with its simple structure
  • Lower costs
  • Working in a wide pressure range
  • Perfect modulation even at low flow rates
  • Shockless opening – closing with flexible diaphragm
  • Complete sealing with reinforced diaphragm and inner spring
  • Wide control application area with the use of different pilot valves
  • Ability to work in horizontal and vertical positions in application areas

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